Wednesday 6 April 2016


Have you ever wondered what will happen if we take half the energy we put into complaining about the problems and whining about why things remain the same and devout this energy into solving the problems, maybe things will be better even if it’s not a 100%. I have seen people criticize the government of the day at every opportunity they get, in every way they can and when they are offered a seat in the corridors of power. Things actually get worse, they start looking like a masquerade because I can’t recognize the person anymore and they continue creating the same problems they once criticized.
I think one of the problems we have most times is we go in unprepared, well maybe that’s how life is, we came into this world unprepared without a manual on how to live right. No one asks for your opinion before you were born, you never get the chance to choose your family, your religion, your country or even your race. Everything just kindof chooses you and while some of us embrace family or tradition to teach us how to live right, some choose religion, for some people its philosophy and some people just embrace it all. But one thing is certain, at some point you have to decide for yourself which way you want to go and this decision is solely based on the content of your mind. What you fill your mind with from day one determines this eventual outcome.
It is very very good to be able to pick out the problems or faults in a system, it shows you are very observant but the truth is if you can sit all day and just talk about the problems and you can’t find just one solution that can work to that problem, then you are on a dangerous path and you are not minding your mind. Its never enough to pay attention to one half of the problem, the job is only done when you find the ability to solve these problems. Train your mind to look beyond the problems and find solutons. You never can tell, one day you might be in a position to solve these problems you always complained about, and if you go in unprepared you will create more problems than you complained about.
So Do you mind your mind? What are you feeding your mind with? Who do you allow access to your mind? Whether you like it or not the people you allow access into your life, the people you surround yourself with and listen to regularly determine the contents of your mind. You should always be conscious of what you are feeding your mind, because this subconsciously influence who you become. If your mind is going to be filled with negativity or positivity is entirely up to what and who you choose to surround yourself with. Mind your mind.
Minding your mind is like focusing on your priorities, chasing your dreams or keeping your eyes on the goal no matter what. Sometimes you need to ask yourself some bitter questions about where your priorities lie. Because if you don’t know what your priorities are, if you don’t place your priorities in the right places. You might end up spending all the days of your life building other peoples dreams for them. Dreams are somehow linked to priorities because if you keep chasing your dreams you would know where your priorities should lie. Its like minding your mind.
It can be quite amazing sometimes when you see the amount of energy some of us devout into things that adds no value to our life and then we forget our priorities in life and start losing focus. Some people don’t even know what their priorities are, maybe they have never asked themselves questions pertaining to it. Do you have dreams or goals? If yes Can you write them out? If yes then what do you think your priorities should be? What have you done today to move you a step closer to your dreams? These are questions you alone can answer and it gives you an idea into what you should be doing more and what you should stop doing.
So know your priorities, make them your goals, work towards achieving them because if you don’t you will end up taking care of other people’s priorities. Remember to always mind your mind until next time I live you with the words of Mahatma Gandhi ‘A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.’

Thanks for reading, please endeavour to share this post if you find it helpful and if not feel free to comment.

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