Tuesday, 18 April 2017


The age between 20 and 30 or even 40 is usually a bit difficult for most of us in this part of the world, especially if your parents are not one of the elites with excess money at their disposal. Reality begins to set in, you begin to question yourself, your ambitions, your parents, if you go far enough you question your God. But it's also the period you should make all the mistakes you did not make as a teenager, take all the business risks you can think of. Fail and fall as many times as you can. Sometimes do the things everyone believes you are going to fail at. Go all out do your best, make sure you put in your all and if you fail well try again. It's nice to fail because there is always a lesson to learn from your failure.
When the world sees it as failure you should see it as a lesson. You will fail, it's almost inevitable. People will look down on you, get used to it. You will lose. You will suck at something. You will be embarrassed. Hell! You will even embarrass yourself. But it's cool it's okay. It means you're on the right path. Never let their opinion define you. Only one person should define you and that's you. Not any other person. Not your friend, family, colleagues, peers, not even your mentor should define you. You're the only one that should have that power.
They say the cemetery is where you have most dreams buried. But I think fear is the number one thing that buried most dreams. Fear of failing. Fear of what people will say when I fail. Fear of how people will look at me or what people will say about me. So most of us just live the normal life, follow the normal routine everyone follows and remain normal.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being normal. But there is definitely something wrong with not fulfilling your potential. So go all out and take as many risks as you can, if you fail you go again. One good thing about taking these risks at this stage of your life is when you fail, you still have a cushion to fall back on and your default response is 'try again'. Eventually you will succeed.
We have to accept that we are going to fail at some point in life. But it's better to fail and fail and fail and fail and fail until you succeed. Whatever you do, just don't quit. The moment you quit then everything would have been all for nothing. You see that light bulb over your head, i heard this guy Thomas Edison performed 1000 experiments and still he didn't quit. He got it right at the 1001 experiment. So tell me, how many times have you tried? Definitely not up to a thousand times. So keep going.
If you fall and give up. Do you think you're ever going to get up? No! Never for one moment think it's the end of your life.
But if you try again and again and again until you get up. Then you've given yourself a chance to succeed again.
At your old age when you look back and recount how your life panned out, it's either you hiss and regret all the things you could have done or you smile feeling satisfied and say you gave it your best shot. So at the end of your life when you eventually drop the mic, however it turns out you can always look back and smile, telling yourself you couldn't have done it better.


  1. Really inspirational. A successful life has heavily embedded in it failures and retries.
