Thursday, 10 December 2015


Sometime in the 1920s, David Sarnoff presented a proposal to his company in a lengthy memo driving for investment in radio. His superiors ignored him and their reply was “The wireless music box has no imaginable commercial value. Who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular?” Now that is the big question, who would pay for a message sent to nobody in particular? The answer is everybody would, because a message sent to nobody in particular is a message for everybody. That question is the reason radio and television has a huge commercial value today. But David’s superiors didn’t know that and David never gave up on his dream even if it looked impossible back then. Today he is known as being instrumental to the development of radio and television broadcasting.

So Dare to Dream, set your goals no matter how high it seems and always keep your eyes on the goal because when you take your eyes off the goal those scary things you see are called obstacles. Some voices can tell you your dreams are too big, those voices may be friends, family, colleagues at work or even within you, but there is no such thing as a dream 'too big'. It’s a dream and the bigger it is the better it gets. Of course there will be obstacles or it might even look impossible right now but as long as you believe in your dream. That's what matters most.

You don't need anyone to believe in your dreams. You only need you to believe in your dreams. If they don't believe in you, keep going, don't stop, and keep working towards it. As far back as the 18th century, someone said “everything that can be invented has been invented.” Now imagine all the things that have been invented since then. So if you are telling yourself right now that nothing more can be invented, you will be surprised at how many problems humanity still has. And those problems need to be solved. Everything that was invented came as a result of the need to solve a particular problem.

I’m not trying to get you to invent anything. No! I just want you to dare to dream and work towards that dream.
It always looks impossible until it is done. And who gets it done? It’s the guy that never gave up on his dreams. It’s the guy that didn’t allow the negativity around him make him stop believing. It’s the guy that fell several times but still rose up several times because at the end of the day, what matters most is how many times you get up not how many times you fall. You will fail and you will be discouraged but make failure and discouragement your stepping stones towards success. Never let your failure define you.
There are some people out there always looking to shoot down your great ideas. You will meet them, they are everywhere. So be prepared, your great ideas will often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds.

You may not be the strongest person in the room, you may be labeled as ‘weak’, ‘foolish’, but when everything goes dark, when you feel you are at your lowest and you feel powerless to keep going. Remember courage is not always a roar, sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying "I will try again tomorrow". You keep pushing, you keep dreaming and you keep going and don’t ever give up on your dream.
I leave you with the words of Victor Hugo "There is nothing like a dream to create the future."